Saturday, August 31, 2019

Essay on Compulsory Primary Education Essay

In a country everybody should know how to read and write and how to count, so that everybody can help the society with a better capacity. Primary education is based mainly on reading, writing and arithmetic. This is the minimum education that one should get, specially in a poor country like India, where nothing more can be possibly done owing to paucity of funds. Advantages: The present age is the age of people. In most of the countries there are democratic form of Government. Democracy cannot be successful if the people are illiterate. Because illiterate persons cannot read the newspapers. They cannot read the political pamplets. So, they remain in dark about their country’s affairs. People should have a least the primary education for their easy conduct in the society and for the success of democracy. Why it should be made compulsory: The poor people do not send their children to school for want of money. Some children work elsewhere to supplement their family-income. The farmer’s children help their parents in the field. So, they cannot come to school if it is not made compulsory. but it must be free education and children should get their books and slates from the Government. Most of the parents being poor, their children should be provided with free fooding and free clothing. Conclusion: It is the duty of every Government to make the primary education free and compulsory. The Government of India should work out this scheme with all sincerity, so that all the children of the entire country will come within the scheme. People should co-operate with the Government in this campaign. Students can help their local people to work out the primary education programme. During their holidays and vacations they should open camp-schools in their own localities and teach the local children in suitable hours.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Concepts of Health Promotion Essay

Health is defined as a state in which human needs are met in an autonomic way, and is not limited to the absence of disease or disablement (V. Henderson). Optimal health is a lively, self-motivated equilibrium of physical, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and social well-being. The concept of health promotion delineates the method of empowering people to increase control over, and to advance their own overall health. The main purpose of health promotion is to heighten people’s motivation to strive for optimal health, while assisting them in making lifestyle modifications that will help them advance their wellbeing to an ideal state. Modifications of the unfavorable way of living can be enabled through a combination of strategies and learning experiences that enhance awareness and rise motivation; most importantly, the change is made possible through the creation of opportunities that permit access to situations that make positive health practices an easy choice. Individuals and communities require a great deal of health education in order to achieve optimal health levels. The development of health promotion has allowed the nurse to reinforce the profession’s role on health promotion and disease prevention, propagate information that promotes an educated public, and assist individuals and communities to change established negative health behaviors. The nursing roles in health promotion vary greatly depending on the individual or group’s needs, and their level of readiness to take action toward lifestyle change and behavior modification. In order to be an efficient educator, the nurse has to perform a self-awareness assessment of own health beliefs and practices. In health promotion, it is of great importance that the educators live what they teach, hence becoming models of healthy lifestyle behaviors and attitudes. A nurse who will teach the importance of smoking cessation must not be a smoker; the reason is clear and obvious. Should the client learn that she smokes, he will lose confidence in her role of health advocate, and undervalue the importance of smoking cessation. The trust of the nurse-client relationship might be compromised, and the likelihood that the client will stop smoking will decrease significantly. An extensive approach of health promotion can be achieved through the nursing process including  assessment, diagnosis identification, planning, implementing, and evaluating outcomes. Even though the process is alike, the nurse gives emphasis to teaching the client accountability for self-care. After the client and the educator agree to the goals together, the health-promotion plans are established; thereafter, the client takes accountability for the success of the plans. A comprehensive assessment of the individual health status is fundamental to health promotion. The nurse has to take in consideration multiple factors, and collect significant data from the client’s milieu before beginning to design a plan of health promotion education. Some elements of assessment should include the health history and physical examination, physical fitness assessment, lifestyle assessment, spiritual assessment, social support systems review, health risk assessment, health beliefs review, and life-stressors review. Planning has to be done according to the needs, desires and priorities of the client. The client decides on health promotion goals, and the actions and interventions to achieve those goals. During the planning process the nurse acts as a resource person rather than as a counselor. The nurse provides information, highlighting the importance of gradual change, and appraises the client’s goals to ensure that they are realistic, quantifiable, and satisfactory to the client. Implementation is the â€Å"acting† towards behavior change. The nurse gives emphasis to self-responsibility for implementing the plan. Depending on the client’s needs, nursing interventions may consist of supporting, counseling, teaching, consulting, modeling, and enhancing the behavior change. The nurse has to offer ongoing and non-judgmental support that focuses on the desired behavior change. Moreover, the nurse will help the client identify his social support system, which is vital in the goal attainment process. Evaluation of the outcomes should not be sporadic, but rather done on a continual basis in shared collaboration of nurse and client. Evaluation is the time of celebrating successes, or a time when the client may choose to rearrange priorities, or adjust strategies. Health promotion aims a wide range of targets at different levels in the community. The huge benefits resulted from health promotion and disease prevention efforts make many realize that this domain of health care is  worth to be invested in. The focus is shifted evermore from the medical to the preventative approach, from treating the disease to avoiding the onset of it. Nurses have a fundamental role in health promotion by their position and interaction with the community. In acute care settings, they see the people at their toughest times of their lives. It is there nurses can assist patients make important informed decisions in regards to their health. The nurse has the role of assisting the patient in moving in the right direction on the health-illness continuum. Someone might argue that there is no more room for prevention once the illness occurred, but the truth is that there is always something to be prevented. For example, the patient who was admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis (without even knowing that he had diabetes) will need a lot of information and support on how to manage the disease and prevent complications. The nurse in the acute setting will begin the health promotion process for this patient, and furthermore refer him to diabetes specialists. Once the patient follows-up with them, the odds are that another nurse at the doctor’s office will continue the process of teaching the patient about the disease management. Disease prevention is included under health promotion umbrella, and consists of three levels of prevention: primary, secondary, and tertiary. The difference between them is determined by the specific point in time in the course of the disease progression when the health promotion is initiated. The primary prevention targets health promotion and protection before disease or dysfunction arise. It includes but it is not limited to immunizations, routine health check-ups, and risk assessments for specific diseases, family planning services and marriage counseling, health education on various threats to well-being. The main goal of primary prevention is to reduce the risk of exposure of the individual and the community to potentially harmful sources. In comparison, secondary prevention concentrates attention on a timely recognition of health issues and a rapid intervention to lessen health problems. Its main goals are to identify individuals in an initial stage of disease and to limit forthcoming disability. For example, a patient who experiences an acute heart attack can benefit from emergent cardiac stent placement. After this initial step of treatment, the patient will not only  need a continual adherence to the recommended regimen, but also making appropriate lifestyle changes in order to prevent further health problems linked to the initial cause of injury. Health promotion at the secondary level is very important because the patient who experienced a life-altering event may be able to return to prior level of quality of life, in conjunction with the appropriate lifestyle modifications. Some examples of secondary prevention are: teaching self-examination for breast and testicular cancer, yearly screening colonoscopy after 50 years of age, or yearly mammograms after the age of 40. At last, tertiary prevention places emphasis on restoration and rehabilitation with the goal of helping the individual to reinstate an optimal level of functioning. Chronic disease management is an example where tertiary prevention comes in to assist the client regaining control and quality of life to a certain extent, as permitted by the disease process. Education and support about managing chronic illness at home to prevent complications is part of the tertiary prevention. The levels of prevention can overlap in practice because same interventions can serve different causes. For example, if a person decides to follow the Weight Watchers nutrition plans to lose weight for the reason of increasing overall health and state of well-being, this will be primary level health promotion. On the other hand, if the same person decides to lose weight with the motivation to decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease, then it is considered a behavior of secondary level of prevention. In conclusion, health promotion is a vital component in society because it helps its citizens reach to a qualitative life. Without health promotion and disease prevention programs, mortality and morbidity would always be our next door neighbor. By health promotion we can see more people laughing, dreaming, and enjoying the excitement of life. References Bennett, C., Perry, J., & Lawrence, Z. (2009). Promoting health in primary care. Nursing Standard, 23(47), 48-56. Blacksher, E. (2009). Health reform: what’s prevention got to do with it?. The Hastings Center Report, 39(6), inside. Marcus, S. (2012). Poison prevention: engineering in primary prevention. Clinical Toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 50(3), 163-165. doi:10.3109/15563650.2012.658474 Kozier, B. (2007). Fundamentals of nursing: Concepts, process, and practice. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall Health.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Employability & Personal Development Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Employability & Personal Development - Article Example Modern day leading industries like electronics and telecommunication are based on the basic principles of Quantum physics. This conference and Max Planck institute not only provides a common ground for experts all over the world to share their innovations but also created an opportunity for companies and individuals that want to choose and earn greatly in the businesses related to this field (Joas, Lehner & Renn, 2008). Content: The major content besides presenting a tribute to the rightly said father of modern physics Max Planck, were research papers regarding different innovations made by experts present all over the world. This conference was also held to raise awareness in business professionals and companies aware of the importance of modern phenomenon in physics for the progress of them as companies and individuals (Joas, Lehner, & Renn, 2008). In the attended conference experts and business professionals from all over the world were gathered at single place. Properties like in vestigation of the issue were addressed at the conference as most of the modern industry is based on the basic instinct as business professional must have. ... Dignitaries from all over the world present in the conference. It also helped understanding the concept of inter-race communication. Research papers by major scientists and people relating to industry were presented in the conference. I can feel a great enhancement in my written communication skills by reading these research papers. Modern day phenomenon of informed consent is also improved by reading the papers written by business icons (Joas, Lehner, & Renn, 2008). Personal development skills on employability: It is a common sensed argument that one can excel greatly in the business profession if he knows basics and modern innovations made by industries and individuals all over the world. Innovative steps are taken on every day basis regarding electronics and telecommunications. Knowledge of the product or service provides a great aid when talking about development of personal development skills and their impact on employability. As an example one can drive a car more safely and ef ficiently if he/she knows basic limitations of engine, brakes and suspension of the car he is driving. Other personal development skills are like one skill to work as an analyst, planner and organizer, team leader and technical knowledge regarding the business one is involved are dependent on the basic knowledge and innovations that are done in the field of that specific business. Another personal development skill required greatly by organizations and as a satisfaction of an individual as business professional is the ability to investigate. One can do critical analysis, critical thinking and profit based analysis of the product produced by its own self or company he is working for if he has basic and new ideas

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Why the project fails Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Why the project fails - Essay Example A common factor in all projects is the presence of employees assigned to the project. Most projects are led by a project manager or team leader. The success of a project is dependent on a variety of factors. A lot of times projects fail and companies pay the consequences in terms of monetary and time losses. The purpose of this report is to analyze the different reasons projects fail. The report will also include an analysis of the Smithers case study. One of the most important aspects of working in a team is to have good communication among the team members. The members of a team must communicate well in order for a project to be successful. A lack of communication can lead to undesirable behaviors such as friction, arguments, and a lack of cohesiveness among the employees. â€Å"Effective communication occurs when the intended meaning of the source and the perceived meaning are virtually the same† (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2003, pg. 339). A lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings between the workers. A way to improve communication between people working on a project is by the members becoming active listeners. Active listening can improve productivity and it enhances the ability of people to communicate, persuade, and negotiate (Mindtools, 2013). A second major obstacle that diminishes the ability of a company to achieve success in its projects is a lack of teamwork. Teamwork has become a critical success factor in the 21st century. Individualism is an undesirable trait among members of a team working on a project. Teamwork occurs when the members of a group work together in ways that utilize their skills well to accomplish a purpose (Schermerhorn, et al, 2003). A project is doom to fail if the members of the team do not work together as a cohesive unit. Companies can enhance the teamwork skills of its employees by offering training and development. â€Å"Problems in project management teams begin when not everyone feels involved or som e are doing a lion's share of the work while others are perceived as doing very little† (Zaphyr, 2013). An employee that plays a critical role in the success of a project is the project manager. This person is responsible for providing leadership for the team. Project managers that do not have good leadership skills are a liability for a company. The presence of strong leadership is needed to guide the efforts of the members of a team working on a project. Without leadership the people working on a project lack the direction and guidance needed for them to perform at a high level. Leadership is important because it enables a person to influence the work behavior of the people working on a project. Three effective leadership styles are transactional, charismatic, and transformational leadership. Without strong leadership the chances of project failure increases dramatically. A factor that is critical towards the success of a team is having adequate resources. A lack of resource s is a constraint that can lead to project failure. Some of the important resources that projects must have are financial, human labor, and machinery and equipment. Sometimes companies undertake a project that they can not fully finance. A shortage of cash can lead to disastrous results for a project such as complete stoppage of work or bankruptcy. A labor force with inadequate skills and capabilities can lead to the demise of a project. Old obsolete machinery and equipment hurts the ability of success of a project. Another factor that is important for the success of a project is the implementation of technology. Analysis Smithers Case Study The Smithers case study discusses the role John Smithers had on a change management initiative of implementing a project to improve the quality control of the company Sigtek. There were

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Our Educational Issues Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Our Educational Issues - Research Paper Example Due to this, there is a great variation in terms of subjects, courses and other activities between schools of different states. Despite the variations, there are some common features in all schools regardless of their location. One of the common points is the three level division of the education system. The three levels include the elementary or primary education, the secondary education and the higher education. Formal schooling lasts for an average of 12 years when an individual is around the age of 18. This is not the case though in most states as compulsory schooling may end when an individual is 16 years. All American children have access to the free public education American educators use the term K-12 and sometimes PK-12 to refer to primary and secondary education. Most of US children start their education prior to entering the PK-12 education. The parents of such children have to privately finance these institutions. After pre-school and elementary school, the children then enter formal school at the average age of six. Although most American schools are well funded, they are still performing poorly based on the standardized testing, graduation rates, college admissions and national rankings. Many scholars and individuals have tried to look at the issues as to why schools are performing poorly and most of them agree that money is not one of the issues (Friedman25) A report from the International summit of Teaching rated America as an average compares to other nations. This is despite the fact that US invests in education more compared to other countries such as Canada. In the report, it was noted that America spends over $800 billion in a year. This amount is five times more than Japan which is the second highest spender. However, evidence from the summit revealed that one of the major causes of problem in the education system is the spending of the allocated money ((Peter26) American teachers have been obtaining little support in terms of money. Most of them go into debts so as to start their career. They are not motivated in terms of their salary making them to be less productive in school. Productivity of teachers is partially reflected in the grades of his or her students. Teachers who end up working in poor communities usually make less than those in more affluent areas. As a result, most of this teachers end up paying for many of their supplies. Additional evidence shows that the US is willing to lower educational standards rather than raising teachers’ salaries. In addition, the teachers of American schools have very little opportunities for collaborating with each other making most of them quite within their first five years. Countries such as Finland and Singapore pay their teachers very well and provide an enabling environment for them to collaborate effectively. One of the good news for America is that this problem is in the public eye and Obama’s administration is trying to stimulate improvements. In ord er to solve this problem, teachers need more support from the government and the local administration. The support should not only come in form of higher salaries but also in form of grants for those pursing teacher-related careers as well as providing a supportive environment for teacher collaboration

Monday, August 26, 2019

Value-added Model (VAM) of Teaching Evaluations and Its Implications Research Paper

Value-added Model (VAM) of Teaching Evaluations and Its Implications - Research Paper Example In not more than a decade, there has been a heated debate about the best value-added model of teaching. However, as much as this debate is vital in the effort to offer quality education, less people have an idea of what it entails. The key players in this discussion are people working in the education sector and who in one way or another tend to benefit or lose from value-added teacher evaluation (Early, Imig & Michelli, 2010). With these deliberations, it would be necessary first to understand what value-added model of teaching evaluations entails. The context of value- added model in teaching evaluations The most and obvious meaning of value-added model of teaching is a method of teacher evaluation that gives an account of teacher’s contribution in terms of evaluating current school year test performances of students to performances of the same students in the previous year (Raudenbush, 2004). This also includes comparison of performances of other students in the same level. Value added model also tends to evaluate each teacher’s performance in comparison with performances of other teachers. Nevertheless, this model has not come without criticism. Opponents of this model argue that the use of tests to measure teachers contribution is not scientific and has not been proved by and scientific study (Raudenbush, 2004). Additionally, they argue that some students results and performances are beyond teacher’s reach since some of the factors that determine students performance include behaviors of the students, and, which they claim most of these behaviors are acquired outside tutoring (Cater, 2004). However, it is paramount to focus on issues other than generalizing notions. For example, it is of considerable importance to articulate on possible likelihood of using VAM. Studies have indicated that use of this model will create accountability to teachers and administrators (Schwab, 1991). They tend to shape their behaviors, and work hard to prod ucing top scores in their subjects. The overall intention of this model is to encourage teachers work extra harder by incorporating different teaching strategies to improve achievement of both the students and the school (Nolan & Hoover, 2010). Value added results may also be helpful to teachers in terms of self improvement and setting target (Lissitz, 2005). It has also been argued that results obtained from value- added can be used at school level to improve on different subjects and group of students depending on the level of weakness or strength (Ballou, Sanders & Wright, 2004). With results of value- added from different schools, an evaluation can be done to come up with the best teaching strategy to be adopted in order to streamline all schools performance. It has also been argued that value-added results can help create projections of the level of school performance, which can be used to determine required resources, decision making and planning (Xiaoxia, Darling-Hammond, Hae rtel, & Ewart, 2010). In the context of accountability, value-added model is argued to act as an awakening call for schools in order for them to improve on weak areas to avoid sanctions (Lissitz, 2005). The model also ensures that schools that perform well are rewarded in order to keep the fire burning. The tax money paid to run the school is required to be utilized accordingly. Therefore, schools that incorporate value-added

Sunday, August 25, 2019

WK3 Discussion 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

WK3 Discussion 2 - Assignment Example With regard to Consumer Kaleidoscope, Hispanics, Asians, Blacks, and multi-race individuals are gradually increasing in number and they are likely to displace the white’s cultural dominance. From the three strategies it is evident that the populations are overlapping each other as we move towards the 25 years projected. For example, the baby boom generation has just entered their early 20’s while the population of the Hispanics, Asians, Blacks, and Multi-race individuals is also increasing. For this reason, American culture is likely to shrink and their dominance wiped out by the changing trends like delayed marriage and longer life expectancies (DEBRA UMBERSON, 2012, p. 613). Consumer Kaleidoscope approach is an indication that the projected demographic changes are likely to fit into the projections. Currently, the Hispanic accounts for 23.2% of total American population by 2010 while the blacks accounted for 12.2%. The Asian population accounted for 4.7% by the same year. These trends indicate that 40% of the American population is occupied by multi-raced population groups and that is a threat to the white’s cultural dominance in the US (White, 2012). The changes in demography are likely to change the marketing niches and environment especially with the changing

Saturday, August 24, 2019

International trade theory and policy Term Paper

International trade theory and policy - Term Paper Example Before the end of World War II, countries had their own protectionist measures in place in terms of tariffs to safeguard their domestic manufacturers and businesses since a long time. The high tariffs were becoming a great hindrance to global trade. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in first six rounds from 1948 through 1967 provided the basic framework for tariff reductions. All first six rounds were mainly devoted on reducing tariffs and other barriers to trade and eliminate or lessen discriminatory treatment to promote global growth in trade (World Trade Organization). While there were only 23 participating countries in the first round of discussion, this numbers increased to 62 during the sixth Kennedy Round of negotiation. The 23 founding members of the GATT were also part of a group who were negotiating the ITO Charter as a specialized body of the United Nations. The ITO Charter was quite ambitious as it covered rules on employment, international investment, res trictive business practices, and commodity agreements. Early provisions of GATT did mention about accepting some of the trade rules of the ITO draft; however, the ITO Charter could not be ratified due to serious opposition within the US Congress. This resulted into the early death of the ITO charter and GATT remained only instrument that governed international trade (World Trade Organization). Through intensive talk and deliberations right from the first to the sixth round of negotiations, the participating countries could arrive at the consensus to reduce effective tariff rates from 38% in 1947 to just 9 percent by year 1972. Apart tariff reduction, the major turnaround came in the sixth round of negotiation when anti-dumping agreement came into effect. It should be noted that first five rounds were focused on item-by-item negotiation for the reduction of tariffs while the sixth round took some bold approach reducing tariff across the board; however, it is important to keep in mind that these rounds had little success in achieving non-tariff trade relations among the nation. The sixth round also called the Kennedy Round lasted over 3 years and provided tariff concessions to the tune of $40 billion. In view of the strong global protectionism prevailed at that time, achievements in the Kennedy Round were noteworthy. The Kennedy Round was the first of its kind that went beyond tariff reduction discussions and advanced the idea of non-tariff barriers besides highlighting the concerns of the developing world; however, trade in services, intellectual property rights were never discussed in the first six rounds of negotiation (World Trade Organization). Q: Discuss the global economic conditions in the mid-70s, and the anti-trade policies that became common despite the GATT. Motivate by worry about these policies, the 7th (Tokyo) Round was called to start in 1973. How can this Round be simultaneously considered a â€Å"success† (by the GATT Secretariat) and a â€Å"failure† by most international economists. Answer Those were the tumultuous years in mid-‘70s when Bretton Woods system based on fixed exchange rate collapsed. The system failed because the US dollar came under tremendous pressure to devalue. In the process of financing the Vietnam War and implementing public welfare programs during those years, the US government had increased its spending substantially that eventually resulted into increased money

Friday, August 23, 2019

Answer the 3 questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Answer the 3 questions - Essay Example This way, the laws empowered the states to serve the people, where this was a merit in the collection of revenue to deliver services to the citizens of different states (Bailyn 59). In order to effectively govern the emerging nation, the political leaders at that time made great accomplishments to come up with a workable body of political institutions, customs and laws. Evolution of laws and institutions One key benefit in the law was the creation of institutions that limited the power and ability of the state governments to ensure that there was minimal abuse of power.This was part of the creation of the bill of rights in the first to the twelfth amendment of the constitution, which limited the powers of state leaders and the federal authority. The federal authority was also created as an overall body that brought together the different states that formed the United States of America under the Articles of Confederation to cut down on the powers of the government and improve service delivery to the people. With the creation of articles of confederation or the amendments, there was disunity in the adoption of these amendments based on differences of opinion between federalists and anti-federalists bringing about a state of disunity. This is because creation of laws that protected citizens meant curtailing on the powers of the federal government and empowering state governments and its people. Another challenge was in the issue of internal wrangles in congress, where laws and debates were subject to corruption and ministerial manipulation, which was part of fears emanating from the newly found state of freedom from England. England, in this case was part of the reason why changes took place since it served as a colonial power that colonized America, and then unification of the different states after the declaration of independence. Another factor that led to political change in the America after the revolution was the need to alliances with foreign powers, where this prompted the creation of a confederation of the original thirteen states that created the base for the formation of the United States of America. This again brought about suspicions on the laws that would be passed by state governments in that they would be unjust, which a challenge was trying to get the bill of rights ratified by all the states in the confederation. Conclusion America holds a rich history related to the struggles and warring trends in each of the colonies to represent the political landscape from which the country rose. American politics are thus characterized by revolutions that seek independence from oppositional ideals propagated by the settlers. The cumulative implications of these political changes brought about individual liberty of way of life, full freedom of thought, expression, the press and elimination of religious influence from legislation and education system. These changes were mainly brought about by the political leaders who accomplished the e stablishment of political institutions and customs to govern the emerging nation. Q.2 Introduction The American society underwent a series of intellectual and evangelical renewals that greatly affected a number of colonists, a process that preceded the American Revolution during the late nineteen seventies. This period signaled the advent of an all round evangelism that viewed religion to

Managerial cost Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managerial cost - Essay Example Under Average cost method, an average cost is calculated for all units, and this average cost is assigned to all the units remaining in ending inventory and cost of sales for units sold. 'To determine average cost, divide the total number of units available for sale into the total purchase cost for the period of time under examination.'(James o Gill, Moria Chatton, page 46)2 For a company using periodic inventory system, the method is referred to weighted average; and where a perpetual inventory system is in use, this method is called moving average method. As costs are averaged out before applying to ending inventory, the material costs under inflation is not very near to market prices but a lower than that because of the effect of earlier purchases in averaging out. LIFO means last in first out and under this method the prices at which merchandise was most recently purchased are used to determine the amounts charged to cost of goods sold. LIFO assumes that 'goods are all the same and interchangeable.'(Peter J Eisen, page 322)3 Ending inventory is valued using the prices associated with the units acquired the earliest. As a result, cost of goods sold computed under LIFO most closely approximate current cost. During inflation LIFO will result in lowest value for ending inventory and highest amount of goods sold and the lowest amount gross profits and net income. The person requesting the goods p

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Project Base Learning in the classroom Essay Example for Free

Project Base Learning in the classroom Essay Project based learning in classroom is a great departure from that of the conventional classroom learning method. The conventional learning is teacher centric and the students learn directly from their teacher. On the other hand, the project based learning is student centric while the teacher has only the role of a facilitator. Today’s world is more advanced in technology hence more complex. There are a lot of opportunities as well as various problems. Only those who can successfully handle such complex tasks can succeed in the modern life. The student needs to be prepared to face such things in their future life. And the project based learning in the classroom itself gives them a glimpse of challenges lying ahead and types of life surviving skills that needed to face them. In this method, the students are given challenging tasks, individually or in a group, which they need to carry out, using the concepts and principles they learned from the text books and their own common sense and creative thinking. Most of the tasks given to the students are related to real life situations. The basic idea behind using such real life situations is that it will make the student competent enough to construct solutions for such situations in the real life as when they arise. Project based learning method allows the students to decide themselves the course of actions in order to achieve the objective of the task or solve the given problem. They ask themselves the questions that need to be answered to produce the required answers. They themselves find out the answers and the ways to meet the set objectives. Their inherent qualities like leadership skills, problem solving skills and communication skills etc are forced to develop during this process. They also learn to think in a group which is essential in modern work culture. Unlike the passive role they played in the teacher centric learning method, the students are leaning things by actually doing it and experiencing the thrill as well as the difficulties of such learning. They get a chance to apply the knowledge they acquired from the text books on to the real life situations. The students direct themselves and this instills in them a sense of responsibility and their motivational levels will go up. The utilization of technology such as computer and internet etc give them a real clue about their immense utility. They get to experience the pride that is associated with the achievement of goals and they are ready for more. The teacher, who is also the facilitator, finally assesses the findings or suggestions submitted by the students and give his feedback. The feedback is very much important for the students and will help them make good the shortcoming and move forward. This way they horn their skills in every area of leaning and by the time they finish the schooling, they are ready to take on the numerous challenges that the life throws at them.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Pros and cons of Marijuana legalization

Pros and cons of Marijuana legalization Who would have thought that one green plant, Cannabis sativa, could create so much controversy throughout the centuries? The debate on medical marijuana has been around since the 17th and 18th century. The debate if marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug, or a helpful medication for pain reliever, preventing vomiting, and treatment of glaucoma (Schwartz, 1994).Science has proven the medical benefits marijuana brings to the field of medicine. Although the American justice system is still undecided about the facts and safety of marijuana, and if marijuana should be legalized, some states have accepted the legalization of marijuana such as California. Many other states are still debating the pros and cons of marijuanas legalization. If marijuana was legalized and regulated it could save lives, help our economy grow in this economic downturn, and let our national security system attend to more alarming issues. Allegar, I. (2000). A factual guide to medical uses of marijuana. Townsend Letter for Doctors Patients Dec2000, (209), 121. This is the only book that presents many of the scientific facts about medical marijuana. Facts such as the origin of where marijuana plants came from, to facts about President Regans term, where the war on drugs began which gave marijuana a bad reputation. My favorite line from this article sums up why marijuana should be legalized. A primary fact is the proven safety of this plant- no one has ever died, overdosed, or even become ill from using marijuana. So how did this green leaf plant get such a bad reputation?(Allegar, 2000, p.209) This quote presents a great argument for the legalization of marijuana. Other drugs cause people to overdose and die, yet those drugs are legalized. So what is the problem with legalization of marijuana? Arias, d. (2007). Health findings. Nations Health, 37(3), 16. This article talks about many public health findings of medical marijuana. The discovery that marijuana relieves pain for patients that suffer from peripheral neuropathy, a nerve condition that is present in those affected with HIV (Arias, 2007). The marijuana relieved pain by 34%.Another amazing statistic is that the patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy reduced their chronic pain by 72% when smoking their first marijuana cigarette (Arias, 2007, 16). The placebo cigarette was not even comparable. This article presents good documentation of public health findings on marijuana. The procedure is organized well and easy to understand the benefits that marijuana presents in the experiment. In the research collected, this article makes the strongest point of how effective marijuana is as a pain reliever. With such high statics how can our government not legalize marijuana? Boire, R, Feeney, K. (2006). Medical marijuana law. Oakland, CA: Ronin Publishing Inc The book covers every question to what marijuana is, to why it is legal in some states. Also the book explains how the state law and federal law are two different things, and the federal law always wins. This book also brings a more in-depth explanation on marijuana history and the medical benefits. The book talked about two different alternatives to smoking marijuana such as Marinol and sativex. The pros and cons are listed for each drug. The book also explained the procedure of seeing a doctor and getting registration for the marijuana, where a safe place is to get the marijuana, and what the regulations are for growing your own marijuana plants. The book explains how to deal with the federal system and possession of marijuana. The book lists the amount of marijuana that is legal for each state. Boire and Fenney gave more information on the marijuana tax act of 1937. This book also makes the clear distinction on the federal law vs. state law. The most useful information I found in the book was the description on the qualifying conditions for medical marijuana, which are: AIDS, cancer, cachexia, epilepsy, glaucoma, HIV, multiple sclerosis, seizures, and severe nausea (Boire, Fenny, 2006, p.5).Another great part of the book is about the doctors role in prescribing the marijuana. Some states require a copy of the doctors license and signed physician statement (Boire, Feeney, 2006).The different forms of medical marijuana makes a great argument on why it should be legalize. Marinol, which contains synthetic THC, is a better option than smoking marijuana because, smoking is harmful. The down fall with the synthetic THC, is it does not produce the same pain relieving effect (Boire, Feeney, 2006). The book also talks about the patients rights and restrictions about medical mariju ana. This information helped me better understand both sides of the debate. Durand, M. (2007). Considering cannabis. Inside MS Jun/Jul2007, 25(3), 56-57. The article deals with the medical affects that Cannabis (marijuana) has on patients with multiple sclerosis. The marijuana helps prevent vomiting and muscle spasm. Experiments were done on rats to prove the medical benefit of marijuana. Some of the reverse side effects of marijuana are also listed. This article helps back up my thesis with the proof of medical facts to legalize marijuana. The drug is helpful with patients who suffer from multiple sclerosis. With dosage controlled and overseen by a physician I feel there is no reason to have these patients suffer and not be able to have marijuana. Garner-Wizard, M. (2006). FDA denies medicinal value of smoked marijuana. . HerbalGram Sep-Dec2006, 25(72), 22. This article is very interesting; because attention is brought to what party the U.S. government or medical system is lying. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) says that there is no medical proof of medical marijuana. The FDA also argues that no science experiment on animals has been conducted and documented. The medical system talks about the lack of faith they have with the FDA. Medical experts do not believe that it is a communication error between the science departments and government officials, rather than the government does not want to accept the medical facts and legalize marijuana. The government wants to keep a strong stand on drugs. This article is perfect for playing devils advocate on the debate of medical marijuana. Medical experts have the facts and experiments in books and other science journal researched in this paper. So if the public can receive these written documents why is the government unable to? This article also presents the question of what is the true motivatation of not legalizing marijuana. What else is the government keeping from us? Krisberg, k. (2009). Fight for reform of U.S. drug policies slowly Making headway. [cover story]. Nations Health, 39(8), 1-10. Krisberg has presented facts and many view points from different medical experts. The reading is hard to understand what party believes what. The main concept retained from this reading is the president Barack Obama says he has the willingness to put science before policies (Krisberg, 2009, p.7) Meaning he would put opinions and policies aside and make a decision based on facts. While this article was difficlulent to understand and follow, the article is somewhat humorous. The president suggests he will move the legalization of medical marijuana if facts are presented. This entire annotated bibliography is filled of sources with many facts on the benefits of marijuana. So what is the hold up? Why has marijuana only been legalized in some states, and even then the federal law has many regulation and restrictions. What kind of facts are the government looking for. How can the American society observe the medical benefits of medical marijuana, but our public officials cannot? This creates a great viewpoint to think about while researching. Marandino, c. (1998). Fired up. Vegetarian Times, (247), 18. This article is a little old but still presents a great point. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommend that marijuana does present some medical benefits for serious illnesses. The American Medical Association also agreed that marijuana had some medical benefits. The public views are also document about the legalization of marijuana. This article prevents proof that medical research has been conducted and presented to the public. This article was written in 1998, and even though medical facts have been presented for medical marijuana many still opposed the idea of legalization. Marijuana has been viewed as a dangerous drug for centuries. No matter how many statics and facts are presented on why marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes, can change the mind of the American justice system. Marijuana. (2007). Marijuana fast facts, 1-2. This article presented some common background information. Because this was the first article researched, on the quest to understand the legalization of medical marijuana it was very helpful. To understanding the scientific name of the drug, to understanding the positive and negative aspects of marijuana, this article was very helpful. After reading this article and gaining some background knowledge, the more in-depth and complicated articles were easier to follow. Some of the information about the problem facing federal and state laws conflicting the legalization of medical marijuana. Also the information about marijuana being a risk and side effects that come with the drug will be helpful in presenting both sides of the debate. Marijuana and future psychosis. (2007). Nutrition Health Review: The Consumers Medical Journal , (98), 17. This article argues against the legalization of medical marijuana. All of the information in the article is about the life long lasting side effects of marijuana. How the use of marijuana can lead to psychosis and severe mood changes. There are two view points to very argument. While there is not sufficient medical evidence shown in this document to oppose the legalization of marijuana, this side still must be presented. The main reason for this view point is because of the side effects of marijuana. Like any other drug, marijuana has side effects. Some side effects are more harmful than those of marijuana, yet they are still legal. Minamide, E. (2007). Medical marijuana. Framington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. Minamide organized his text to show both sides of the legalization of marijuana debate. Some of the key topics are if medical marijuana is effective medical treatment or not. If the legalization of medical marijuana would negatively impact society or not, and finally if the federal government should ban medical marijuana or not. Debra J. Saunders argues that marijuana should be legalized because it can help many serious illnesses. Saunders believes that congress should move marijuana out of the classification of Schedule I drug, a caterogory that includes more serious drugs like heroine, to a Schedule II drug , like cocaine and morphine, which are available for medical use(Minamide,2007,p.12). Medical experts have facts that prove marijuana as a helpful medicine. Experts in medicane also believe the drug should be moved into the Schedule II drug. On the opposing viewpoints the book highlights a key point that harm of medical marijuana may outweigh the medical benefits (Minamide, 2007, p.34). Smoking in itself is harmful to the respiratory system regardless if it relieves pain and prevents nausea. Another great point highlighted in the book is if the legalization would negatively impact society. Mark R.Trouville says that the legalization of marijuana would interfere with the undermine law enforcement efforts to combat drug trafficking and would send a dangerous message that marijuana is a harmless substance (Minamide, 2007, p.38). The book also plays devil advocate and presents arguments for the legalization of marijuana that help my thesis out. Schwartz, H. (1994). Psychiatric practice under fire the influence of government, the media, and special interest on somatic therapies. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric press, Inc. The book gave facts on medical marijuana and the battle it has been facing for years. The book was written in the 1994 so the legal status was not up to date. Although, the history of marijuana and the medical benefits it had was very informational. The book also broke down the main ingredient in marijuana, and describes how they had medical benefits. A lot of case experiments proved medical marijuana helped the patient. The book also talked about the historic time line of marijuana. From the beginning of time when marijuana came from India in the 17th and 18th century, to Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 all the way to 1942 when American framers started to grow hemp for rope in World War II. The helpful information presented in this book had some general background information of marijuana. The author talked about THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main ingredient of marijuana. In 1895 THC was approved by the Food and Drug administration (FDA). The FDA noted that THC was combating nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy.(Schwartz, 1994, p.106) The book also noted three main reasons why medical marijuana should be legalized. The first of the three reasons is to treat glaucoma. The next main reason was to relieve nausea, and last but not least is to stimulate appetite. I think that congress should look at all of the medical facts about medical marijuana and how it relieves pain for cancer patients and also prevents vomiting. In todays medical world there are a lot of addictive drugs used as pain relievers. Yet these drugs are legalized. The legalization of medical marijuana could help our economy grow. The last piece of information presented in this book was a great example of why marijuana should be legalized. In August 1992, for example, Valarie Corral, a 40-year-old woman from Santa Cruz, California, who smoked marijuana for 18 years to control epileptic seizures, was arrested for growing five plants in a vegetable garden near her porch (Rogers 1993).Under California Law, she faced up to 3 years for her offense. Valarie did not get sentenced 3 years for her plants; the judge understood her medical purpose for them. Valaries doctor reported her prescription for medical marijuana to help with her spastic muscles when she had seizures. Before her muscles were out of control and she complained of pain. Once she started smoking marijuana when she felt a seizure coming along, her seizures were not as intense or long. This is just one example of how medical marijuana has positively impacted a life. Now Valarie can drive a car and perform day to day tasks thanks to help of marijuana she can live her life.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Environmental Geochemistry of Copper

Environmental Geochemistry of Copper Nwankwo Chihurumnanya Belema February, 2017 This report was aimed at providing an insight into the environmental geochemistry of copper (Cu). It gave a brief overview of the occurrence of copper and areas in which it is located globally. It went on to discuss its various physical and chemical properties, after which it evaluated the extraction and processing techniques which are used to recover Cu. The diverse uses of Cu in various industries were also looked at, and then the wastes generated during the Cu processing were discussed. The vast routes of Cu pollution in the environment were also analysed, and the toxicity of Cu in humans, animals, aquatic species and micro-organisms were appraised. Lastly, the standards put together to curb Cu exposure and toxicity were equally identified. The quantity of copper beneath the Earths surface is approximately 50 parts per million (ppm) and it occurs as large star-like structures (Emsley, 2011). It takes different natural forms in the likes of cuprite which is a copper(I)oxide mineral, malachite and azurite which are copper carbonates, as well as chalcocite and chalcopyrite which are copper sulphides (McLemore Mullen, 2004). These various copper-bearing minerals and their distinctive copper percentages are shown in Figure 1. It is argued that the distribution of Cu and Zinc (Zn) are quite similar to that of Pb (Lead) (Franklin, Gibson, Jonasson, Galley, 2005), however, further studies show that this is majorly predominant in roadside soils (Bakirdere Yaman, 2008). In the current advancing world, recycling has proven to be a reliable alternate source of copper (Gomez, Guzman, Tilton, 2007). Another key source of copper is skarns, which form by hydrothermal fluid reactions in high temperature igneous environments, usually above 2500C (Hammarstrom, 2002).      Ã‚   Figure 1. Various copper-bearing minerals and their copper percentages (Emsley, 2011). 2.1 EXTRACTION Copper is normally extracted or mined in the form of copper sulphides in 0.4 -1.0% Cu-containing porphyry copper deposits from massive open pit mines (Melchiorre Enders, 2003), as shown in Appendix A-1. Various mining sites of copper around the world include the USA which has the El Chino Mine in New Mexico and the Bingham Canyon Mine in Utah, as well as Chuquicamata in Chile (Crowson, 2012). In 2005, the British Geological Survey highlighted that Chile produced about one-third of the worlds copper, making them the top copper producer globally in front of USA, Indonesia and Peru respectively (Nishiyama, 2005) as seen in Appendix A-2. An in-situ heap leaching process is one feasible technique for copper recovery, as most sites in Arizona have implemented this technique with recorded successes (Dreisinger, 2006). Since the inception of copper extraction for thousands of years, the last two decades have accounted for more than half of copper extraction (Martinez-Alier, 2001). It is pro posed that over 1014 tons of copper exists in the Earth crusts top kilometre which could last up to 5 million years based on current extraction rates. Nonetheless, the extraction of these vast reserves of copper is limited by current technologies and prices, making only a little portion of it to be economically feasible to exploit (Camus Dilles, 2001). 2.2 PROCESSING It is typical for the ore in mining operations to be concentrated, thereby making the processing methods to be dependent on the nature of the ore (Sadowski, Jazdzyk, Karas, 2003). Ores like chalcopyrite which are sulphide copper minerals are usually crushed and ground to release the important minerals from the waste, and then beneficiated using mineral flotation (Peng, Grano, Fornasiero, Ralston, 2003). The next process involves smelting the sulphide concentrates in furnaces to yield matte, which is then converted and refined to give anode copper before the last stage of electrolysis comes in (Biswas Davenport, 2013). Due to environmental and economic factors, there is always a reclamation of the by-products during the processing of copper, just like the turning of sulphur dioxide into sulphuric acid (Agrawal, Sahu, Pandey, 2004). Any copper ores which are oxidised during the refining process are treated through hydrometallurgical extraction (Biswas et al, 2013). A flowchart of t he extraction, processing and manufacturing is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. A flowchart illustrating copper extraction, processing and manufacturing (BGS, 2007). 2.3 PROPERTIES Copper is the 29th element on the periodic table in Group 11 with symbol Cu, and it is a ductile, malleable and soft metal that possesses high electrical (59.6106 S/m) and thermal conductivity (401 W/(m.K) (BGS, 2007). Native copper usually has a reddish-orange colour when exposed to air as shown in Figure 3. It has a face-centred cubic crystalline structure, with density of 8.96 g/cm3 at room temperature (Nà ºÃƒ ±ez Aguilar, 2013). This solid element has a boiling point of 2567 0C and melting point of 1083 0C (BGS, 2007). Copper reacts with oxygen when exposed to air to form a protective layer of copper-oxide, which prevents the metal from corrosion, unlike in iron (Fe) (Balamurugan Mehta, 2001). Various alloys of copper exist including brass (copper and zinc) and bronze (copper and tin), amongst many others (BGS, 2007). Figure 3. Native copper in its natural form (BGS, 2007). 2.4 USES 60% of copper is used for electrical wires and cables, 20% for plumbing and roofing, 15% for industrial equipment and 5% for use as alloys of bronze and brass (Ayres, Ayres, Rà ¥de, 2003) as seen in Figure 4 and Appendix A-3. It is also used as an antibiofouling agent to regulate plant and shellfish growth, and also has antimicrobial function as fungicides and nutritional supplements in the agricultural sector (Pelletier, Bonnet, Lemarchand, 2009). Its use also cuts across folk medicine for bracelets that relieve arthritis, as well as its use for compression clothing suggested to treat certain ailments (Richmond, 2008). It also serves as a wood preservative, musical instruments, especially the brass instruments like gongs and string instruments like guitars and pianos (Sachs, 2012). Its use is also predominant in the beverage industry for distilling spirits like whisky (Lu Gibb, 2008). Figure 4. Various uses of copper in different industries. Data from (CDA, 2016). 2.5 DISCARDING Copper could be recycled from its raw state and also from produced materials, and it ranks as the third most recycled metal behind iron and aluminium as seen in Figure 5 (Agrawal et al., 2004). About 80% of all globally extracted copper is still in use currently, probably because the recycling process is similar to the extraction process, only with the exception of few steps (Biswas et al, 2013). Scrap copper of high purity is melted in a furnace, and afterwards reduced and cast into ingots and billets; while those of lower purity are electroplated in sulphuric acid (BGS, 2007). Certain bacteria like Pseudomonas fluorescens and Chromobacterium violaceum aid in copper degradation (Faramarzi, Stagars, Pensini, Krebs, Brandl, 2004). Figure 5. Discarding of copper in recycling unit (Giordanos Recycling, 2012). 2.6 WASTE Slag wastes, as shown in Figure 6 are usually the by-products after copper refining processes, and the Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex in Iran produces over 370,000 tons of slag waste annually (Khorasanipour Esmaeilzadeh, 2016). These slag wastes are deemed to be multi-elemental contaminants with very high toxicity, and pose anthropogenic risks to the natural environments (Ashley, Lottermoser, Chubb, 2003). However, in weathering environments, their toxicity is somewhat reduced as low soluble glass compounds, oxides and silicates encapsulate them (Khorasanipour et al, 2016). These slags act as environmental contaminants through leaching and weathering processes of potentially toxic elements (Luo, Yu, Zhu, Li, 2012). It is suggested that 1 ton of copper could generate about 2.2 3 tons of slag waste, and worldwide copper slag production is about 24.6 million tons (Hammarstrom, 2002). However, smelting slag wastes serve as useful additives for abrasive, construction and building material s (BGS, 2007). Figure 6. A piece of copper slag waste (CDA, 2016). 2.7 POLLUTION Due to continuous increase in global copper production, more copper ends up in the environment as shown in Figure 7 (BGS, 2007). Wastewater that have copper have been deposited at the river banks while the air has also been polluted with copper through combusting fossil fuels (Luo et al., 2012). These copper held up in the air then fall back as rain, alongside dumped slag waste which then contaminate the soil (Wong, Li, Thornton, 2006). Some natural routes of copper pollution are sea spray, forest fires, decaying vegetation and wind-blown dust (Ashley et al., 2003). Human contributions include mining, as well as phosphate fertilizer, metal and wood production (Raufflet, Barin Cruz, Bres, 2014). Figure 7. Environmental effect of copper pollution (123RF, 2016). 2.8 TOXICITY Copper levels above 2.0 mg/l in drinking water is suggested to be lethal to humans as highlighted in Figure 8, however, this also depends on the source of contamination (Zietz et al., 2003). It could cause eye irritation, lung disease, dermatitis, upper respiratory tract infection, acute renal failure, liver damage and death in humans (Blanusa, et al, 2005). The oligodynamic effect poses toxicity to bacteria in even little levels of copper (Shrestha, et al, 2009). For aquatic species, it affects their nervous system, kidney, liver and gills, as well as their sense of smell which hinders their usual mating process (Kiaune Singhasemanon, 2011). Figure 8. Major symptoms of copper poisoning in the human body (Asian Metal, 2016). 2.9 STANDARDS There are several standards and specifications that are necessary for proper handling and exposure to copper (BGS, 2007). Amongst these are the Unified Numbering System (UNS), as well as ASTM Standard Designation for Wrought and Cast Copper and Copper Alloys (CDA, 2016). The permissible exposure limit (PEL) of 1 mg/m3 time-weighted average (TWA) for copper dusts is being set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which also tallies with the recommended exposure limit set by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (OSHA, 2016). However, the level that is immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) is 100 mg/m3 TWA (Fthenakis, 2003). For copper fumes, the OSHA and NIOSH exposure limits are set at 0.1 mg/m3 TWA (Coble, Lees, Matanoski, 2001), however, the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) sets their threshold limits at 0.2 mg/m3 TWA (Cohen Powers, 2000). Copper is normally a reddish-orange polycrystalline, ductile, malleable and soft metal with high electrical and thermal conductivity (Ayres et al., 2003). It could be extracted from various minerals, as well as skarn deposits, landfills, waste dumps and open pit mines (Emsley, 2011). The use of copper also spans across the electrical, architectural, plumbing, industrial, jewelry, agro-allied, microbiological, music and beverage industries (CDA, 2016). The major method through which copper could be discarded is deemed to be recycling, although certain bacteria aid in its mobilization (Agrawal et al., 2004). The processing of copper also involves several stages that cut across crushing, grinding, mineral flotation, smelting, conversion, refining and finally electrolysis (Peng et al., 2003). At the end of these processes, slag wastes are generated and have the potential to cause damage to the environment (Khorasanipour et al, 2016). It has also been found to be very toxic in humans and animals, causing damage to the liver, skin, lungs and kidney (Zietz et al., 2003). To this effect, OSHA and NIOSH are two of many other organizations that have set certain standards and exposure limits to curb its toxic effects (OSHA, 2016). After gaining an understanding of the environmental geochemistry of copper, it can be seen that its exploitation and mining remain very vital for daily activities in various sectors. However, the standards that have been set by OSHA and NIOSH should be taken into consideration to mitigate any environmental and health impacts that may be associated with its exposure. Furthermore, regions with very high copper reserves like Chile should also ensure that mine sites are effectively protected from having direct contact with the environment. References       123RF. (2016). Contaminated mine water pollution of a copper mine exploitation. Retrieved from Agrawal, A., Sahu, K., Pandey, B. (2004). Solid waste management in non-ferrous industries in India. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 42(2), 99-120. Ashley, P. M., Lottermoser, B. G., Chubb, A. J. (2003). Environmental geochemistry of the Mt Perry copper mines area, SE Queensland, Australia. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 3(4), 345-357. Ayres, R. U., Ayres, L. W., Rà ¥de, I. (2003). Copper: Demand and Disposition. In The Life Cycle of Copper, Its Co-Products and Byproducts (pp. 59-100). Springer. Bakirdere, S., Yaman, M. (2008). Determination of lead, cadmium and copper in roadside soil and plants in Elazig, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 136(1-3), 401-410. Balamurugan, B., Mehta, B. (2001). Optical and structural properties of nanocrystalline copper oxide thin films prepared by activated reactive evaporation. Thin Solid Films, 396(1), 90-96. BGS. (2007). Copper. Retrieved from Biswas, A. K., Davenport, W. G. (2013). Extractive Metallurgy of Copper: International Series on Materials Science and Technology (Vol. 20). Elsevier. Blanusa, M., Varnai, V. M., Piasek, M., Kostial, K. (2005). Chelators as antidotes of metal toxicity: therapeutic and experimental aspects. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 12(23), 2771-2794. Camus, F., Dilles, J. H. (2001). A special issue devoted to porphyry copper deposits of northern Chile. Economic Geology, 96(2), 233-237. CDA. (2016). Copper Applications. Retrieved from Coble, J. B., Lees, P. S., Matanoski, G. (2001). Time trends in exposure measurements from OSHA compliance inspections of the pulp and paper industry. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 16(2), 263-270. Cohen, H. J., Powers, B. J. (2000). Particle size characterizations of copper and zinc oxide exposures of employees working in a nonferrous foundry using cascade impactors. AIHAJ-American Industrial Hygiene Association, 61(3), 422-430. Crowson, P. (2012). Some observations on copper yields and ore grades. Resources Policy, 37(1), 59-72. Dreisinger, D. (2006). Copper leaching from primary sulfides: Options for biological and chemical extraction of copper. Hydrometallurgy, 83(1), 10-20. Emsley, J. (2011). Natures building blocks: an AZ guide to the elements. Oxford University Press. Faramarzi, M. A., Stagars, M., Pensini, E., Krebs, W., Brandl, H. (2004). Metal solubilization from metal-containing solid materials by cyanogenic Chromobacterium violaceum. Journal of Biotechnology, 113(1), 321-326. Franklin, J. M., Gibson, H., Jonasson, I., Galley, A. (2005). Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, 98, 523-560. Fthenakis, V. M. (2003). Overview of potential hazards. Practical Handbook of Photovoltaics: Fundamentals and Applications, 2. Giordanos Recycling. (2012). New Jersey Non-Ferrous Metals Recycling Service. Retrieved from Gomez, F., Guzman, J. I., Tilton, J. E. (2007). Copper recycling and scrap availability. Resources Policy, 32(4), 183-190. Hammarstrom, J. M. (2002). Environmental geochemistry of skarn and polymetallic carbonate-replacement deposit models. Khorasanipour, M., Esmaeilzadeh, E. (2016). Environmental characterization of Sarcheshmeh Cu-smelting slag, Kerman, Iran: Application of geochemistry, mineralogy and single extraction methods. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 166, 1-17. Kiaune, L., Singhasemanon, N. (2011). Pesticidal copper (I) oxide: environmental fate and aquatic toxicity. In Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 213 (pp. 1-26). Springer. Lu, S., Gibb, S. W. (2008). Copper removal from wastewater using spent-grain as biosorbent. Bioresource Technology, 99(6), 1509-1517. Luo, X., Yu, S., Zhu, Y., Li, X. (2012). Trace metal contamination in urban soils of China. Science of The Total Environment, 421422, 17-30. Martinez-Alier, J. (2001). Mining conflicts, environmental justice, and valuation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 86(1), 153-170. McLemore, V. T., Mullen, K. E. (2004). Mineral resources in Taos County, New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 55, 383-390. Melchiorre, E. B., Enders, M. S. (2003). Stable isotope geochemistry of copper carbonates at the Northwest Extension Deposit, Morenci district, Arizona: implications for conditions of supergene oxidation and related mineralization. Economic Geology, 98(3), 607-621. Nishiyama, T. (2005). The roles of Asia and Chile in the world copper market. Resources Policy, 30(2), 131-139. Nà ºÃƒ ±ez Aguilar, C. (2013). Microstructure and properties of copper deformed by accumulative roll-bonding. OSHA. (2016). Copper dusts and mists (as Cu). Retrieved from Pelletier, É., Bonnet, C., Lemarchand, K. (2009). Biofouling growth in cold estuarine waters and evaluation of some chitosan and copper anti-fouling paints. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10(7), 3209-3223. Peng, Y., Grano, S., Fornasiero, D., Ralston, J. (2003). Control of grinding conditions in the flotation of chalcopyrite and its separation from pyrite. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 69(1), 87-100. Raufflet, E., Barin Cruz, L., Bres, L. (2014). An assessment of corporate social responsibility practices in the mining and oil and gas industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 84, 256-270. Richmond, S. J. (2008). Magnet therapy for the relief of pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (CAMBRA): A randomised placebo-controlled crossover trial. Trials, 9(1), 1. Sachs, C. (2012). The history of musical instruments. Courier Corporation. Sadowski, Z., Jazdzyk, E., Karas, H. (2003). Bioleaching of copper ore flotation concentrates. Minerals Engineering, 16(1), 51-53. Shrestha, R., Joshi, D. R., Gopali, J., Piya, S. (2009). Oligodynamic action of silver, copper and brass on enteric bacteria isolated from water of Kathmandu Valley. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 10, 189-193. Wong, C. S. C., Li, X., Thornton, I. (2006). Urban environmental geochemistry of trace metals. Environmental Pollution, 142(1), 1-16. Zietz, B. P., Dieter, H. H., Lakomek, M., Schneider, H., Keßler-Gaedtke, B., Dunkelberg, H. (2003). Epidemiological investigation on chronic copper toxicity to children exposed via the public drinking water supply. Science of the Total Environment, 302(1), 127-144. APPENDIX A-1. Types of Copper Deposits Source: (BGS, 2007) APPENDIX A-2. TOP COPPER PRODUCING COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD Source: (BGS, 2007) APPENDIX A-3. APPLICATION OF COPPER IN VARIOUS INDUSTRIAL SECTORS Source: (BGS, 2007)      

Monday, August 19, 2019

commercial art :: essays papers

commercial art The contemporary commercial art and design of today has no doubt been created through the heavy influences of 20th century art. Most corporations who advertise on a large scale look back to the most influential art of the past century when creating their ads. It's almost impossible to walk the city streets without being bombarded by billboards with crafty designs and catchy phrases. With a little research though, it's fairly easy to find that the basis of this commercial art can be found in the art of the last one hundred years. Cartoons come first to mind when thinking about the different ways 20th century art have impacted modern day art and design. Long before I saw the original "American Gothic" by Grant Wood, I laughed at a portrait of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck standing together in front of a farm house with pitch fork in hand. Most cartoons seem to have an underlying humor meant to be understood by even the most articulate and intellectual adult, while at the same time being simplistic enough to entertain a small child. Cartoonists successfully accomplish this by being well read and educated in myth, history and art. Advertising agencies must be just as well educated in order to create influential advertisements that will impact consumers. "De Stijl" created by Peit Mondrian has without a doubt been one of the most popular designs incorporated into today's commercial art. On almost every bottled hair care product from Loreal is a composed set of lines complete with red, yellow and blue squares, expressing striking similarities to "De Stijl." Tommy Hilfiger uses clean lines and the three primary colors in all of his advertisements as well as on his signature label which also mimic the style of Peit Mondrian. While visiting a museum and studying a Mondrian, most of the general public repeatedly remarks to how his paintings look as if "anyone could do them." However, using the same artistic logic and redesigning his work on a bottle of hairspray or a t-shirt, the public becomes awe-stricken and then rushes out in a mad fury to purchase this stylish product which is actually based on the same s tyle of art which if hung in a museum looks to them like something "anyone could make." Advertisers look also to the photography of the past century when designing ads for magazines.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Franz Kafka :: essays research papers

Franz Kafka was different, a man bent on portraying changes everywhere. Kafka was also a man consumed by death, consumed by the fact that he might eventually die. One man who was greatly affected by his fathers negligence of him, and a social deviance about him which held him back from interaction. Such a man was so afraid about what society thought of his writing, that he never widely published his works, and even asked a friend to burn all manuscripts. Not only was Kafka Jewish, he resented this fact. Once Kafka even stated that “Sometimes I’d like to stuff all Jews (myself included) into a drawer of a laundry basket-then open it to see if they’ve suffocated.'; As anyone can see, Kafka was enormously enticed by death, and the fact that he greatly disliked his own cultural status, and even his family. Even though, this man was one accompanied by great wisdom, which was shown in the writing of Metamorphosis. Kafka was a political genius who showed all his political beliefs through his one great work, Metamorphosis. All of the experiences in Kafka’s life are portrayed through Gregor, a person who wished he was dead at the end of Kafka’s words. Distant from the poor, meager, and mostly un-vivacious reality of life and it’s hardships stands one man, Gregor, a provider of financial resources for his family. Such a young man is making his way in society, and the world in general. Through Gregor’s successes, and his almost workaholic attitude, he has suffered into prospering. Prosperity is an awkward word, for it is one which not only describes a persons wealth, though also his downfalls. The great undoing of prosperity shows itself in Gregor as he becomes a monster, one created by Anti-Marxist society. Since Gregor’s is a society which eventually shuns him, and his great mind for one fact. A fact that I wish to prove, through gazing at the society created in Kafka’s mind. However, a fact that has worth in studying because of it’s multi-faceted grooves and perceptions of society. In taking a glance at Kafka’s complex society, one must also see his society as an extension of Gregor. A person must first look at the meaning of Gregor’s name in German, and its derivation into English. The name Gregor is closely associated to “Gregariously';, which refers to a sociable and jovial mindset.

The Social and Cultural Costs and Benefits of Entering a Sport Not Trad

The Social and Cultural Costs and Benefits of Entering a Sport Not Traditional to Your Sex/Gender Throughout time, sports have been thought of as feminine sports or masculine sports. Some sports that are thought of as feminine are gymnastics, swimming, tennis, riding, and ice-skating. These tend to be sports that emphasize beauty and grace. Men's sports tend to emphasize strength and power, like football, basketball, or bodybuilding. The social and cultural stereotypes that are placed on men and especially women in the sports world can be hard for an athlete to deal with. Men are expected to be masculine and strong in their sports, while females are expected not to overexert themselves and still keep their feminine appeal. Who is to say what sports are okay for men and women to participate in? Is it fair to place stereotypes on people who are just doing what they love to do? Will these stereotypes diminish over time? In history, women have been given a hard time for coming into sports. Since at least the late 1800s there have been myths about women in sports, some of which we are still working on debunking to this day. Some include the notion that sport masculinizes women, sports are medically risky for women, the female body was not made for sports performance, women are not interested in sports, and women cannot psychologically take the pressure of sports (Oglesby & Shelton, 9). Women were seen as fragile and unable to compete on the same level as men could in sports. Women of this time who played softball, basketball, or track were considered "unladylike" and were questioned of their femininity (Spears, 13). Public recognition of individual female athletes deals more with their feminine beauty and status than to athlet... ...ting could become a role model for a young boy who thought that people would think that he was gay if he skated. Although there are cultural and social costs associated with a person entering a sport that is not traditional for his or her gender, there are also some benefits. The question that only the athlete can answer is whether the benefits out weigh the costs enough to stick with it. I have hope that stereotypes in sports will become less observed. Sports have changed so much in the last century. Women were barely allowed to play certain sports like basketball at the turn of the last century and now we have professional woman's basketball. More changes are coming, slowly but surely they are coming. Just the fact that we are now questioning the costs and benefits of being in a sport that is not necessarily for your gender/sex is a step in the right direction.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Complete monopoly Essay

Today, many firms are enjoying a monopoly of their products/services in the market. Monopoly may be defined as the complete control over a commodity enjoyed by a particular company in the market. There will be only a solo manufacturer or provider of the commodity and customers have to depend on them whenever there is a demand since there are no substitutes available. As a result, such a manufacturer can have an absolute control over the price as well as quantity available in the market. Another benefit enjoyed by the monopolies are that they do not face any risk of an opponent entering the market. In order to establish complete monopoly, usually companies take care of the following things: 1. They acquire the complete control over the key raw materials required for manufacturing the product. 2. They may acquire a patent in order to be the solo manufacturers or providers of the product or service. 3. They acquire the technical and productive efficiency to meet the market demand for their commodity. Usually a commodity produced by the monopolies will be manufactured in fewer quantities only and their cost may be higher. Since there is no market competition, the advantages are mostly enjoyed by the manufacturers. Little are the benefits obtained by the consumers, since they have no choice when a demand arises. FEATURES OF MONOPOLY The following are the main features of a monopoly market: 1. In a monopoly, there is a solo manufacturer or provider of a commodity. So all the demands in the market are to be met by this single vendor. 2. Highest benefits are enjoyed by the solo manufacturer. 3. The price, quantity as well as the quality of the commodity is the absolute decision of the manufacturer. Normally, commodities available in a monopoly market will have a higher price. 4. There is no competition or substitutes in a monopoly market. Even if a competitor wants to enter a market, it is a very difficult task. TYPES OF MONOPOLY There are various types of monopoly prevailing in the market. Various classifications have been made based on different criteria. This section checks in detail the classifications: 1. Based on ownership a. Public Monopoly: In a public monopoly, the product/service is provided and controlled by the Government of the country. Unlike other monopolies, public monopoly does not depend upon maximizing profit theory. Rather it is concentrated on the benefits of the people. For example, the Oil Industry in Abudhabi is the monopoly of ADNOC. There are no competitors to ADNOC and still gasoline is provided to the residents at a reasonable price. b. Private Monopoly: In strong contrast to public monopoly, in the case of private monopoly, the product/service is provided and controlled by private firm or an individual. Their main concentration will be on maximizing the profit and hence such commodities will have a higher price. For example, the diamond manufacturers De Beers enjoyed a complete monopoly over the market for about 100 years. In a drive to achieve maximum profits, they created a false impression that the diamond supply was becoming limited and hence increased the rates which mounted up their profits. 2. Based on the price a. Simple Monopoly: In the case of simple monopoly, the price of a product/commodity is the same regardless of the customers. Usually it has control in a particular market only. For example, the water supply in Abu-Dhabi is taken care of by ADWEA. The price charged is the same across the emirate indicating a simple monopoly. b. Discriminating Monopoly: In the case of a discriminating monopoly, the price is discriminated according to the customers. Such a commodity will have different prices in different regions. Normally, such a firm has control in various markets. For example, the cost of Mercedes Benz car is different in different countries of the world. In Germany, where it is manufactured, it is usually sold at a relatively lower price. In UAE, the price is higher than that in Germany. In India, the price is higher than that in UAE. 3. Based on competition level a. Perfect Monopoly: In perfect monopoly, there is absolutely no threat from any competitors. Such firms enjoy complete control without the fear of any competitor entering the market. This is the most ideal case and is difficult to be established in realty. b. Imperfect Monopoly: In imperfect monopoly, there is no competitor in appearance. But the company may be in the fear of an opponent entering the market in the near future. As the name indicates, the seller do not enjoy the complete features of an ideal monopoly because there is a threat of competition. For example, until recently Etisalat enjoyed the monopoly of telecommunications and internet services in the UAE. But with the entry of du, Etisalat is facing an imperfect monopoly as du is widening its service to all the realms of Etisalat. 4. Based on how the monopoly is achieved. a. Legal Monopoly: Legal monopoly is usually the monopoly acquired by a firm by legal procedures with the sanction from the Government. Copyrights, trademarks, patents etc are legal tools for obtaining monopoly over a product or service. For example, the company Telstra acquired a legal monopoly over providing telecommunications service in Australia. b. Natural Monopoly: Natural Monopoly is the monopoly obtained naturally without any legal procedures. Such a monopoly is obtained due to the advantage of good-will, plentiful resources, good site etc. For example, Middle East enjoys a natural monopoly over the gasoline resources in the area. CONCLUSION Although many firms enjoy a monopoly over their products, seldom do such regulations benefit the customers, except for the case of public monopoly. Since there no competitions, the competitive advantage is also denied to the customers and mostly they are forced to buy the product despite their hesitation. However, monopoly is most enjoyed by the firms exercising it. REFERENCES 1. Goodwin, Nelson, Ackerman, Weissskopf. (2009). ‘Microeconomics’, 2nd edition.

Friday, August 16, 2019

An Analysis of Hammurabi’s Code of Law Essay

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind†. This was said by Gandhi many years after the fall of the Babylonian empire. Judging by the laws of the Babylonian people, there was no insightful Mahatma Gandhi to spread his thoughts on equality and forgiveness. Though they were an advanced and organized society, the Babylonians were also extremely strict, almost cruel, when it came to law making. Revenge, faith in the gods’ sense of justice, and inequality all made up a portion of the eight foot tall stone tablet that we now know as Hammurabi’s Code of Law (Horne). Hammurabi’s reign lasted from 1795 until 1750 BC (Horne). Up until Hammurabi took control, there had been no ruler to publicly establish an entire set of laws. Written in order to regulate the organization of the Babylonian society, this code, consisting of two hundred laws, begins and ends by addressing the gods. Revenge played a large role in the laws, as it was seen as the only way to truly be compensated. Almost all of the laws lack a true explanation; they were simply accepted as fair justice by the people. However, one law in particular does have a reason behind it. â€Å"If an accused man claims to be innocent, he will be thrown into the river. If the man drowns, he is proven to be guilty. However, if he makes it to the opposite bank safely, the accused man is indeed innocent (Hammurabi).† This law gives us an important insight into the lives of ancient Babylonian society. Obviously, the people had a strong sense of faith in their gods. By tossing the man into the raging river, the people are putting the accused man’s life into the hands of the gods. If the man was guilty and lying, the gods would see that tribute was paid to them, as well as to the village, in the form of death. However, if the accused was indeed innocent, the Babylonians would allow the man to safely leave the river, hence living. Not so unlike our court systems (with which you must swear on a bible before testifying), the Babylonian people had strong religious convictions that were reflected in their code of laws. Another aspect reflected in Hammurabi’s Code of Laws was the belief in revenge. To the ancient Babylonians, revenge wasn’t seen as revenge: it was seen as fair and just compensation for a committed crime. To Hammurabi’s  people, â€Å"an eye for an eye† was not just a say: it was a way of life. â€Å"If he break another man’s bone, his bone shall be broken (Hammurabi).† The same was true for putting out another man’s eye, knocking out someone’s teeth, and many other bodily injuries between two man (or woman) or the same class. Though these laws seem cruel and inhuman, they were meant to keep crime and violence at a minimum. Getting your arm hacked off was probably much more intimidating than a prison sentence to the people of Babylonia, hence the laws successfully fulfilled their duties the majority of the time. Though the laws were more often than not effective, they were by no means fair. Women were dignified and treated as equals, but all social classes were not. Ancient Babylonia had a hierarchy consisting of three main social classes: the amelu, high ranking, rich court officials, patricians, and kings, the muskinu, landless and poor, though free, and the ardu, who were the lowest class (Johns). The ardu could marry and hold property, but nonetheless they were low-ranking slaves. The laws clearly reflected these social classes. Punishments were not the same for different social classes, even if the same crime was committed. For example, if a free-born man strike the body of another free-born man or equal rank, he shall pay one gold mina. However, if a slave were to strike the body of a freed man, his ear shall be cut off. Even though the exact same crime was committed, the slave would get a harsher punishment than the free, higher-ranking man. Even in ancient Babylonia, power and money seem to have the same value as they do in the present day. Not every aspect of the Babylonian culture was perfect. The social classes were strictly divided and people were treated as fairly as their birth allowed them to be. Vengefulness was accepted and expected, as was the belief in owning slaves. However, the Babylonians, under Hammurabi’s reign, were also a very admirable culture. Women were treated as equals: they were dignified, respected, and allowed to own land and property. The most important, positive aspect of the Babylonians was certainly Hammurabi’s Code of Law. As an unchangeable, fairly indestructible written code, it not only influenced other cultures (such as the Syro-Roman and Mahommedan) later in history, but it also gave us a first hand account of what life was like in a  culture that was lost so many centuries ago. BIBLIOGRAPHY â€Å"The Code of Hammurabi† by Richard Hines, Tamera (2005). The Life & Times of Hammurabi. Bear: Mitchell Lane Publishers. Mieroop, Marc (2004). King Hammurabi of Babylon: a Biography. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Lying Essay

Consider thinking about the controversial issue on lying. People usually don’t particularly care about the little white lies, but lying is never a good solution in any situation, because whether it’s a small lie or a big lie, there is always some form of consequence to each and every fib. There are a few certain articles such as, â€Å"A Philosopher on Lying,† by Immanuel Kant who also believe lying should not be tolerated in any way. Just like in the article I mentioned earlier, â€Å"A Philosopher on Lying,† a German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, explains his point of view on lying. Every lie is dangerous; the size of the lie doesn’t matter. As Kant states in the article, â€Å"Don’t tell someone a lie, because then you are not treating the person with respect, as an individual.† If everyone would just imagine the person who they’re lying to, using that same lie towards themselves, they wouldn’t feel very good. If someone believes that the right thing to do is lie, no matter the situation, then everyone else should get the right to lie too. One lie leads to another in most cases, which turns into a huge mess of lies, and that could end up hurting everyone in the end. If someone lies to protect a friend or a family member, is it really being used in the proper situation? Well, it’s only going to hurt the person more in the end, rather than telling the truth in the beginning. If they attempt to keep in a big secret, especially from a close one, it may tear their relationship apart just knowing how long they kept that information from them. It would be much easier and highly worth it to just get the secret over with in the beginning. Keeping in a huge secret from someone has many bad side effects; however, people need to keep in mind that if that person kept something from them, they wouldn’t be happy either. According to an interview, â€Å"Brad Blanton: Honestly, Tell the Truth,† Blanton states that â€Å"Delivering the truth is easier, takes less time, and is less stressful.† Telling the truth sounds easier than it actually is; because action speaks louder than words. That is the main reason majority of people choose to lie. Many people disagree that every single small lie is a bad thing, because they don’t want to cause any pain or harm to the person they are fibbing to. According to the article, â€Å"It’s the Truth: Americans Conflicted about Lying,† Randy Cohen says that, â€Å"Not only is lying justified, it is sometimes a moral duty.† This basically states that people are only trying to protect loved ones from any serious harm. Lying is an issue that people have dealt with for as long as any living person could remember. It creates problems, and that’s pretty much it. I have never seen a lie that led someone to success and have it all work out in the end. Lying isn’t the right way to go, because someone will always suffer from some kind of consequence, big or small. It is much easier to tell the truth and get it over with, rather than keeping it away as a secret and end up spilling the truth out later. Fibbing is dangerous and always messes with peoples head, ending up in a line of regrets. If someone’s like me, lies almost never work out like how they’ll plan it in the end. Always tell the truth, because it gives respect, receives respect, and it’s definitely worth it in the end.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Michio Kaku’s Vision of the Future

Michio Kaku’s Vision of the Future By Artemio Zavala Michio Kaku's speech offered an expansive view of future technologies. His predictions were carefully grounded within the laws of physics and turned out to be quite marvelous. He foresees technologies like â€Å"retinal display† contact lenses that connect directly to the internet, driverless cars, the mixing of real and virtual reality, and software â€Å"robotic doctors† that might replace most people's initial visit to the doctor.Kaku was also optimistic about progress in medicine, biotech and nanotechnology suggesting that we'll have medical â€Å"tricorders† like the ones on Star Trek, miniature nanobots coursing through our veins, and advanced gene therapy. Kaku also believes that computers, artificial intelligence and robots will advance rapidly, even though he foresees a possible slowdown in the rate of improvement as Moore's Law potentially hits a wall. One area where I think Kaku failed to disc uss was how all this will impact culture and the economy.Kaku seems glued to the idea that only technology will change; yet he didn’t talk about how this technology might negatively affect society. If there will be robots that will cook and software that will do the jobs of doctors, and might even become conscious one day, then it seems clear that technology like that would be able to do the jobs of millions of people who sit in offices or work in service industries. Maybe Kaku fails to see the possible impact that his fantastic ideas might have on society? Nevertheless, his ideas were simply astonishing and I truly found his speech to be quite intriguing.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Animal euthanasia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Animal euthanasia - Essay Example The best solution, according to the article, is however to control the animals’ birth rate for a sustainable population size. The main reason for this opinion is that available shelters for the animals are limited. As a result, animals, especially the overpopulated dogs and cats in their old age, have to be let out of the shelters. Since this action endangers the lives of the animals to suffering and painful death, it is better to apply euthanasia because the method is fast and painless (Peta, 2012). I agree with the main argument of the article that the animals are supposed to be protected from pain and suffering. As a result, controlling their population to a sustainable number by the available shelter is the best alternative. Since this has not been achieved, a painless death is a better alternative to letting the animals wander in the fields in suffering until their death. My opinion is informed by the idea of animals’ rights that equivalently values the plight of a nimals as that of human beings. Like humans, the animals are psychological and recognize utility and pain. As a result, reducing their pain during death is a suitable way of respecting their right.Response to questionsMy desire to work for PETA Asia-Pacific is based on my love for animals and the desire to achieve a reasonable respect for their lives. This has been driven by my historical resentment over suffering that animals are subjected to through activities such as hunting, scientific research and neglect.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Prediction of Stall Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Prediction of Stall - Essay Example The phenomenon of stall is shown in the figure below:- Stall occur due to a number of reasons and can thus be divided into a number of types1 like power off stalls (also called approach-to-landing stalls, practiced by pilots to simulate normal approach-to-landing conditions and configuration), Power-on stalls (also known as departure stalls, practiced by pilots to simulate takeoff and climb-out conditions) and Accelerated stalls (experienced at higher-than normal airspeeds due to applying abrupt or excessive controls to aircraft and may occur in steep turns, pullups or other abrupt changes in your flight path.). Many aircraft in Flight Sim use a stall indicator to alert you when the airflow over the wing(s) approaches a point that lift cannot be sustained. The stall indicator is part of aircraft for a reason so no one should ignore it. Setup a numerical optimization procedure that can be useful to the aerodynamicist in the rapid design and development of high-lift system configurations and that can also provide derivative information regarding the influence of various design parameters (gap, overlap, slat and flap deflection angles, etc.) on the performance of the system. The variables that describe the relative elem... His aircraft experiences buffeting, uncontrollable pitching or vibrations that begin just before the stall occurs. Many aircraft in Flight Sim use a stall indicator to alert you when the airflow over the wing(s) approaches a point that lift cannot be sustained. The stall indicator is part of aircraft for a reason so no one should ignore it. Design Procedure The design calculation is an important procedure that solves two purposes as under:- Improve the take-off and landing performance of existing high-lift systems using an adjoint formulation. Setup a numerical optimization procedure that can be useful to the aerodynamicist in the rapid design and development of high-lift system configurations and that can also provide derivative information regarding the influence of various design parameters (gap, overlap, slat and flap deflection angles, etc.) on the performance of the system. Flow diagram of the above procedure is depicted as under:- Figure 3: Flow diagram of the design calculation procedure The variables that describe the relative element positioning can be used as design variables. These variables include flap and slat deflection angles, gaps, overlap, shapes of each of the elements and many more depending on method used2. Like in Continuous Adjoint Method, variables are flow-field variables and the physical location of the boundary. Then the governing equation which expresses the dependence of these variables can be written in flow field domain in form of partial differential equations. After introducing a Lagrange Multiplier and solving adjoint equations and applying boundary conditions we get gradient equation3. An active transparent stall control system utilizing sensors, actuators, and a closed-loop controller was designed and tested on a NACA 0020